Thursday, 1 December 2011

90's kid.

  Remember when Steve Urkel was the 90's nerd? And now he's our average Hipster. Or how, Carlton danced like such a fool, but now we all strive to dance like him? How is it that in only 20 years, our opinions of 'cool' have changed so drastically? No matter how much money we spend to wear just the right bell bottoms, or the snug fitting skinny jeans (or skinnies.. whatever the hell they're called now), we're always 5 steps behind. Does this mean that to be ahead, we should be tightening our curling rods, and preparing our Afro's now? Or peace signs are still cool?

Anyone born before 1994 can say they remember a time where they first heard the word "CD player" and didn't know what it meant. I remember one year for Christmas my sister got a CD player, and I had no idea what the hell it was. In such a short time we have watched cassettes turn into CD's, VHS turn into DVD.. what's next? Are we going to start using SD memory cards as our advanced technology? Or are we going to stop using anything, and rely on the world or downloading and streaming? This may be a boring subject, but really think about it. We went from one true love for everybody, to, a couple loves pre people.

Ole Golly: The time has come, the walrus said...
Harriet M. Welsch: To talk of many things...
Ole Golly: Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax...
Harriet M. Welsch: Of cabbages and kings...
Ole Golly: And why the sea is boiling hot...
Harriet M. Welsch: And whether pigs have wings.